Press Releases for diabetes treatment

  • 640

    Hashmi Herbal launches new specialist unit to develop Diabetes treatment

    Hashmi Herbal today announces the formation of a new stand alone unit specializing in the development and commercialization of medicines for diabetes.

    By : | 03-24-2012 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 640

  • 533

    Hashmi Herbal Education Zone celebrates five years

    Hashmi Herbal together with Professor Singh, Principle of Hashmi educational society, last week helped Hashmi Herbal to celebrate the fifth anniversary of its Education Zone in Amroha, India.

    By : | 12-22-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 533

  • 791

    New Glucose Control Formula, Gluco-X, Helping Control Insulin Resistances and Diabetes Naturally

    Diabetes sufferers who are considering gastric bypass surgery as a last resort in controlling their glucose levels may want to give a new product a try before making such a risky decision. Gluco-X, an all-natural glucose control formula that combines the most highly effective blood sugar–regulating ingredients in the world today, safely and effectively keeps those levels in check.

    By : | 06-12-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 791